About the manufacturer:
Paul-dent toothpaste is manufactured by the renowned DENTAL-Kosmetik GmbH & Co. KG in Dresden,
Germany. With 110 years of experience and dedication in oral care, DENTAL-Kosmetik is the ideal partner
for a successful private label brand.
In 1907, the pharmacist Ottomar von Mayenburg invented the toothpaste in the tube - Chlorodont.
Starting in the attic of his "Löwen-Apotheke" (Lion pharmacy), he soon required more space and founded
the Leo-Factory in 1917. Within 15 years they became the biggest toothpaste manufacturer in Europe with
a world-wide distribution.
After the Second World War production was resumed as VEB Elbe-Chemie, which became the sole
supplier for oral care products in the GDR and most of Eastern Europe. Famous brands like Putzi, el-ce
med and elkadent were created during that time.
Nowadays, DENTAL-Kosmetik lives up to its legacy and is still one of the biggest private label
manufacturers for toothpaste in Europe.